Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear Realization,

In-fat-u-a-tion (ĭ-fāch'ōō-ā'shən);
1. To inspire or possess with a foolish or unreasoning passion, as of love
2. A foolish, unreasoning, or extravagant passion or attraction
3. An object of extravagant, short-lived passion

thank you for making me think all that time that you were

to have love or affection for another person; be in love.(v)

What I Had Was;
a love affair; an intensely amorous incident.

Love, no matter the time/place, stops for nothing.
You're not embarrassed by love...you aren't afraid to admit to the WORLD when/who you're in love with...
So there's no way I've experienced that
and there's no way he loved me either.

So, I'll wait...

Thank you.

((chucks mic))

To Whom It May Concern,

I can't necessarily say I'm heartbroken..because I'm not. I'm a bit broken though... I've rummaged through my soul to see what I could come up with. I found solace in such a journey. A sort of yearning. There's a lot to be said;

I'm mending, so to speak. From a war on both sides. I've forgiven a lot of shit but I can't seem to forget it.
but there is one person that puts me in a place of forget...as if nothing else ever happened.


let me reiterate, I am not heartbroken, but I am broken.
I feel at a lose sometimes.
Call it depression.
Call it whatever the fuck makes you feel better.
Either way, it's something.

Yearn (verb); to have an earnest or strong desire; long.

Perhaps that explains it..Perhaps not.
Perhaps it's him (you)... Perhaps it is not.

Yeah, I yearn to fall into this.
Into him (you).

((Im saying too much))

Again, I have a sadness about me that plagues me. A silence about me that confuses me. A yearning about me that entices me....
There's just something about the look in those eyes, that I can't quite put my finger on..
So I will sit here.
Until I figure out what it is, and why I yearn for it (you) so badly.

(drops mic)